In a world full of complex challenges, where global issues such as climate crisis and social injustice demand innovative solutions, the confluence of Design Thinking and Life-Centred Design offers a promising approach. A passionate group of Design Thinking coaches recently gathered at the SAP AppHaus in Heidelberg to explore this intersection. We felt the compelling tension between our inherent desire to be user-centred and the deep realisation of the broader system at play.
Continue reading “Exploring the Intersection of Design Thinking and Life-Centred Design”Sustainable Innovation with Life-Centred Design
Industrial Design focusing on the physical appearance, functionality and manufacturability of a product enables mass production. User-Centred Design improves the user experience and Human-Centred Design enhances the interaction based on emotional preferences and needs.
Continue reading “Sustainable Innovation with Life-Centred Design”Leading from the Emerging Future
SEEING – Design Thinking meets Theory U
Design Thinking is a systematic, human-centered way of finding solutions to complex problems. It goes beyond traditional design related concerns such as shape and layout. Unlike engineering approaches, which often start from the technical feasibility and economic viability, the needs of the users are key.
Continue reading “Leading from the Emerging Future”Connecting Head–Heart–Hand
“How does mindfulness support you as a Design Thinking Coach?” I was asked. Being a Search Inside Yourself teacher, I realized that indeed both are inseparable.
Design Thinking is a systematic, human-centered way of finding solutions to complex problems. It goes beyond traditional design related concerns such as shape and layout. Unlike engineering approaches, which often start from the technical feasibility and economic viability, the needs of the users are key.
Continue reading “Connecting Head–Heart–Hand”